Ideamapper Pro

Mind Mapping Tool For Professionals

Introducing Ideamapper Pro, a simple and highly effective planning and productivity tool that makes it easy to capture creativity, organise thoughts, and manage projects more effectively

Ideamapper Pro

Make writing simpler

Use the creativity of mindmapping to help plan out and structure your ideas whilst using Ideamapper’s “split screen” view to write your document simultaneously.

ideamapper demo


Plan, write, publish

You can now manage projects simply, clearly and more efficiently with Ideamapper Pro. Whether it’s defining the scope and goals of your project, issuing and prioritising tasks or setting project timelines. Ideamapper Pro ensures that your project transitions seamlessly from initial idea to completion.


Brainstorm & plan

Let your creativity free. Customise your mind maps so they are best suited to you.

Structure & customise

View both the map and the text document at the same time using our unique “Split Screen”.

Publish your work

Present or publish your document in the format that suits you, using our unique presentation and publishing tool.